Well this is the zucchini relish I made. It was fun to make and I love to see the little jars lined up on the counter. This is a tasty relish with a tangy bite but not sweet. This relish is wonderful with chicken, turkey and sausages as well as on sandwiches, dogs and burgers. We made turkey sammies with cukes and tomatoes from the garden added a spoonful of the relish and other condiments and it was a three napkin sandwich. Juicy, tangy, crunchy. Perfect.
My daughter and granddaughter were here this past weekend. We all participated in the Eugene Celebration. It is a crazy yearly affair in the downtown area complete with the crowning of a SLUG QUEEN! There are four stages with varying music venues. There is much tasty food, a parade, street vendors, party goers, entertainers. Just a big bunch of fun. My hubby and danced the afternoon away we could not resist the beat of the music. Next year we may have to stay downtown for the entire weekend so we do not miss a thing.
It is showering here this morning. Not that I mind I find it quite pleasant actually. The soft patter of the rain on the deck is comforting. However I certainly do not want it to stay as we need the sun for our hundreds of baseball size tomatoes to ripen.
Here is the recipe for the Zucchini relish.
10 cups of zucchini squash
3 cups of onion
5 tbsp. salt
2 red peppers and 2 green peppers
Chop veggies to small dice, I used a food processor.
Put in a large container and add the salt and let stand overnight in the fridge.
In the morning rinse and drain well.
Put the veggies in a kettle and add.
1 quart of white vinegar
1 cup water
2 cups sugar
1 tbsp. nutmeg
1 tbsp. turmeric
2 tbsp. celery seed
2 tbsp. cornstarch (I add to this a bit of water from the cup of water and blend)
1/2 tsp. pepper black pepper
Stir to blend and cook for thirty minutes. Seal in sterilized jars. No processing is necessary according the original recipe. But current guidelines indicate that the relish should be processed in a boiling water bath canner for 10 minutes.
This is such a great way to use a lot of zucchini.
Tonight we are having fresh green beans from my sis in laws garden. I will cook el dente and then drain and add to a skillet with butter and a tad of olive oil, some lemon zest and minced garlic. Just heat to meld the flavors. I am also serving corn on the cob with honey butter and a plump roasted chicken. I will prepare the chicken simply tucking a few lemon wedges and fresh rosemary into the cavity. I will rub the skin with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
There is nothing better than a juicy roasted chicken falling off it's bones. I will serve some of the zucchini relish along side for dunking.
Well I am off to grab my umbrella and walk.
The walk will be nice as it is not cold out. Just feels damp and so fresh.
Enjoy your day and make some relish.