However through the years I do not think we have had two exactly the same.
In our first years as a couple we sometimes went to New Years parties or hosted parties or at other times had a very romantic evening at home just the two of us.
When we moved to Eugene in the early nineties we started a new tradition. We would go to a very elegant dinner downtown usually at the top of the Hilton or sometimes at another favorite restaurant adorned in our finest attire.
Then home for a decadent desert and more champagne to ring the New Year at Times Square via the telle.
I suppose my most favorite is staying home having a lovely dinner that we prepare together, good champagne, and an over the top desert and playing games listening to our favorite music until it is time for the countdown at Time's Square.
However in years past there have been several eve's that we have fallen asleep before the ball dropped.
This year is different again from last year where we went to my hubby's family for a rather large gathering.
Monday night will find us still in our decorated Christmas home with the table festive with a New Years motif. New Years eve's hats awaiting to be plopped on heads if desired.
We are having hubby's sis and husband, it will be just the four of us this year. We will sit down to a dinner of thick creamy clam chowder with crusty bread and Cesar salad. For desert I am making a rich dark chocolate pudding with whipped cream.
We will have champagne on hand and also a white table wine.
Games are in order as we four enjoy that. Then if we are not crashed at midnight we will watch the countdown.
So a simple night, uncomplicated in any way to usher in 2013.
I am having a lovely today. I had no need to rush getting up this morning so I slept in until eight AM. I slowly read the paper with two cups of coffee and one Christmas cookie. Then I came to office and read my e-mails and returned a couple and peeked at FB.
I tidy'd the house, showered, took a short walk and here I am. A relaxed and feel good day even though it is gray once again outdoors and it is cold, brrrr was all I could think while walking. I was happy to come through the front door and leave the chill behind.
We certainly enjoyed the wok veggies and rice last night. As I did not add any broth to the veggies last night tonight's leftovers will be morphed in a chop suey of sorts. I am going to boil spaghetti noodles, drain and add chicken broth to the veggies and serve over the hot noodles with soy sauce(our version) is Brag's amino acids soy an alternative that is so tasty without salt.
We have the Oregon State game to watch this afternoon. We are hoping that the Beavers do well. So we will be cheering on OSU. I even have on a orange and black shirt for the occasion.
Needless to say we are primed for our Oregon game with Kansas State on the 3rd. I certainly hope for my husband's sake we win that one. Or it will be grim state of affairs in this household to say the least!
I am off now to read for a while. My book is a page turner as they say. I will fix a cup of hot tea to enjoy while reading. I really like having a cup or so of tea in the afternoon. And I do take mine like the English with a bit of milk. My English grandmother would be so proud.
Have a nice Saturday.