Homemade cinnamon rolls could anything be better?
I love these rolls but have not made them for quite a while. I love making bread the yeast so alive and warm under your hands.
These rolls are filled with lots of melted butter, sugar, cinnamon and roasted chopped walnuts. In the bottom of the baking pan I also add a good quantity of butter and brown sugar and cinnamon and on top a they are drizzled with a powered sugar, vanilla and whipping cream glaze. Now you understand why I do not make them that often just a few of them will load on the pounds. I must walk everyday this week without fail to stave off the effects of Granny's cinnamon rolls. I made one little loaf of bread with the left over dough I love it toasted with jam.
To make these rolls just use whatever bread dough recipe that is your favorite or you could buy frozen dough and put them together like this. Wonderfully tender on the inside and lots of gooey goodness elsewhere.
We are out to lunch today we were going to go a couple of days ago but decided to save it for the weekend. We will go to McGrath's and have seafood. Always a treat going out to lunch with hubby.
We woke to a wet deck and streets this morning but it is not raining so it was a nighttime occurrence . No matter we were fogged in again yesterday so I prefer the rain. Seems I cannot breathe in dense fog the air is not fresh I get somewhat claustrophobic. The rest of the week is to be sun and clouds, make me happy :)
I love having the house all clean and the Christmas mess put away for another year. We really cleaned well this year. My husband gave me a helping hand and it made all the difference. I have sparkling windows, clean hardwood floors, polished furniture and I took away clutter as well.
Hubby is going to have a new hobby. Making old world sausage. His father did this and also his uncles. Being of Hungarian decent has a lot to do with the desire to make ones own sausage.
So yesterday we ordered a meat grinder and sausage stuffier to attach to my Kitchen Aid stand mixer. Now we will buy a smoker and he will revise it to hang sausage in. He is excited. The sausage is made primarily from pork shoulder with some beef chuck roast added lots of paprika and other seasonings. I am sure he will have fun coming up with idea's for more and more types of sausage. He so loves to make his specialties and give away to family and friends. I may give it a whirl also with perhaps some chicken basil garlic sausage.
I made an amazing chicken Parmesan the other evening. Made from the roasted garlic tomato sauce I put up last summer with our own tomatoes. The Au gratin dishes were layered with a succulent chicken breasts that had been seasoned and breaded in egg and panko and then browned, mozzarella and Parmesan cheese and the rich sauce. My husband said it was the best he had ever eaten and I agree and it is so easy to make. Why would anyone order it out?
I also made a fifteen bean soup this past week using the leftover spiral ham from Christmas. The ham held well in a sealed container. The soup is loaded with a variety of beans and lintels as well as diced tomatoes, onions, arugula and seasonings. Very hearty and certainly warms you up on a winters night.
I will sign off now and get my chores out of the way and look forward to my afternoon of lunch out and then home to play games. A great Saturday I am thinking.