It is a depressing day here in Eugene. Once again we are under lock and key of low fog. Now there is a cold drizzle to accompany the fog. I tried to walk, came back to the house though before doing my usual loop. My legs were cold and getting damp from the drizzle and my face and hands were freezing. So I bagged it! I came in and fixed a hot cup of tea and curled up in my cozy chair and started a new book. It is always exciting starting a new book, like opening a special gift.
This after noon I am going to do some needed things in the office. Not that I have had much work related office duties to tend to as it has been so slow for hubby. However there are always things to do in here. Right now a good furniture waxing and desk top cleaning are in order. I really need to to shred. The huge basket I use for paper work that needs shredding is overflowing. What a boring thing to do, sit on a little stool and shred the day thanks!
We are having stir fry this evening. I ran to the store today for fresh produce. I bought an array of nutritious and colorful veggies. I have some chicken tenders thawing out so will chop and fry those first in the wok, then remove and fry up the vegetables and add the chicken back in. We are serving it up over sticky rice. We like to put a little sweet and sour along with amino acids over the top. Bragg's liquid amino acids is better for you than soy sauce and it taste better also. I also add a little of that to vegetables while I toss them in the wok. You can buy that product in the health food section of your grocery store.
I have a rolled steel wok that I have had for over thirty years. It is well used at this point as it is totally black on the inside and does an amazing job. I love it for deep frying also. We bought a little electric deep fryer a few years back and tried it once. That was enough, it now sits in a storage cupboard in the garage with other useless items. The wok works better, gets hotter and requires way less oil.
I picked up frozen berries from the farm before they closed for the season. So I am going to make jam to go with some other stocking stuffers for the holiday's. Food items in jars are cute with a fabric top and decorative label. I enjoy doing things like that. I am also going to give our family down the street some homemade marinara sauce made from our own tomatoes. Remember I made freezer tomato sauce the end of summer? I also have a good recipe for wine mustard it is very good served with sausages. The mustard has a sweet/hot bite. It is easy to make. I think food items that you have taken the time to make from scratch are always appreciated, especially by those that are full time workers.
We are unconventional I suppose in our holiday traditions. I love to decorate the house and hauling out the same things year after year comforts me. Our tree is usually tall, large and loaded. I use a combination or white and silver ornaments with red bows and clear lights. We put on hundreds of items all selected for their sparkle. My Mother has been gone for quite some time now but in a way she is here for the holiday's as usual. I have all of her rhinestone and crystal jewelry and it adorns our tree. It sparkles and shimmers and I remember all the pieces as she wore them all (not all at once of course) on the holidays. So decorating is big for us. The two other faves are food and drink and sharing our hospitality with others is important to us. Seems every year we have different family here but it all works. I just always say, whoever shows up is meant to be here! Where we are different is that we do not shop for gifts. We do exchange with those that come but the gifts are small, usually home made or home crafted and thoughtful. That way we have something under the tree to look forward to. But the food is abundant and the drinks flow. At the end of the eveing I will sit at the piano and play Christmas music. It just brings back to me my memories from childhood when my grandmother and I would play together for our family. I have always done that and everyone seems to enjoy it. Most of the songs are traditional and I play a few that I have composed myself. A big request is Frosty the Snowman and Jingle Bells, boy you can rock with those songs!
Well I must now get to my office chores.
I just looked out to see if the sky is any lighter. Appears there is no hope for that today. Maybe the sky will be brighter tomorrow.
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