Today here in Eugene we had a deluge. Not a good day to go shopping with my gift cards but alas I put on my rain gear and went for it. My jeans go wet and head was plastered even though I tried to remember to put my hood up on my rain jacket as every time the hatch door of the SUV went up the rain dripped down on me. By the time I was through with the fun shopping and then the grocery shopping I was more than ready to come to my warm cozy house and put on a pot tea.
I read in the paper this morning we broke a record Wednesday for rainfall. From the time we woke in the early morning hours it pounded on our roof and streamed down the streets without stop.
Tomorrow night we celebrate the new year in at my sis-in-laws house just down the street. No driving just walking a very short distance that should be doable.
I bought an array of goodies to make up and take down. Sounds as if the food will just be simple buffet fare. There is to be fireworks at midnight. Can it please rain? I am no fan of fireworks. Why the men folk in this family get such a charge from this disgusting noisy smelly event is beyond me. Once a year on the 4th of July is enough for anyone to endure as far as I am concerned.
We will be watching the OREGON DUCKS play in the Rose Bowl game this coming Monday. Hubby is so so excited he is like a little boy. I still need to figure out what kind of snacks I want to serve for munching on during the game. I am not a snack person as I really do not care for snacks. Well maybe gourmet appetizers of some sort would be nice occasionally. But in my mind snacks are just needless eating as you always still eat a meal later regardless. So I do have a problem coming up with idea's as I am not interested. I would rather wait until after the game and have a nice meal. Oh well that is me and certainty not the view of my husband, so snacks it is.
I had planned on sitting for a while in my comfy chair and starting a new book this afternoon but when I went to the basket where I keep my books yet to read it was empty. Empty? I thought I still had one book to read. So now what? I am current on magazines and no new books to read what will I do in my down time this weekend? Makes me left wanting. I just finished one of the best books I have ever read from one of my fave writers Anita Sherve. It is called, Strange Fits of Passion. It was a page turner for me but on a different level. I did not want to turn the page to fast as her prose is astonishing. Every nuance of the character is brought forward until you are so involved with the character it is hard to let go of them as you turn the final page.
So a no book weekend awaits me. Well maybe I will actually accomplish something and I must look at it as a good thing.
I will close now. I do feel still a little weary from all the Christmas festivities. Maybe a nap before dinner prep? We are having Parmesan crusted baked pork chops with chunky apple sauce, sauteed squash and rice pilaf. There is still a tiny bit of cheese cake and raspberry sauce for desert. Dinner sounds easy I like that.
I will write again next year.