Monday, March 28, 2011


This is a project I started yesterday. So the dining room table is off limits for a while. I have needed to sort photo's for years. I have six photo boxes with pictures tossed in with no rhyme or reason.....quite ridiculous really.
So I went through two boxes yesterday. I thought perhaps the best way to sort them would be categorize them by events such a trips, getaways, holidays etc. Then family photo's are categorized by dates. So that is what I did and then I label the zip lock and boxes accordingly. Maybe now I can find a photo I am looking for instead of looking through the masses.
Of course now we download all of our photo's on the computer into a photo program. We then put them onto disc to save permanently. This is a fun project though as it takes you down memory lane. I linger over most photo's and memories flood into me. So it will take me a while to do this project as I want to enjoy the process.

We had chicken, veggie soup with dumplings last night. The day had been cold and bitter and it looked so grim outside I thought soup would soothe the soul. Hubby agreed it was a very good night for soup. I had chicken broth frozen in the freezer from the last chicken I boiled up for enchilada's. To that I added sauteed carrots, onions, celery, diced potatoes, salt and pepper to taste, a little tarragon and thyme. Then when all was bubbling and hot I added the little dumplings to the top. I ladled into deep bowls and added a little chopped dill to the top. The soup was wonderful and satisfying.

Well it is Monday and the day is already disappearing much to quickly considering how much is on my plate today.
Blessings wherever you are and make a good soup to nourish your soul as well as your body.

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