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Yesterday was the first day of spring I think more so on the calendar than in reality.
My friend from the other side of the mountains has cancelled her trip here. The pass she would have traveled over had almost a foot of snow last night. We will wait now until the warmth of real spring is upon us.
I just found out my daughter and fiancee will be moving very close in proximity to my son. So now both of my children will be out in country on acreage that makes me happy as they both love the country and open space. Also how nice and convenient that will make for us to visit them and we can all get together more often. Oh what a happy heart I have.
I have not been feeling the best the past week I have had tummy issues. No need to explain but it has drug me down. It has really made me realize how I miss eating good food and whatever I like and I do miss my wine with dinner. I have babied my tummy this past week with baby type easy to digest foods. It has not been enjoyable in the least and also I have not been cooking up my usual fare and I so miss that. I cannot wait till all is better and I can get back to normal.
Hubby is off with a buddy to lunch today. Then into a long term work run every day for three weeks with a couple half days off and possibly one weekend day. He is doing three jobs back to back. With our work it seems always to be feast or famine. So I will have many hours to fill with projects. There are quite a few things that need doing and I will try to discipline myself to accomplish something every day and not be lazy.
I am listening to Pandora radio as I write. I have put on my station 'After the Rain', a lovely variety of soft melodic piano solo's. The music takes all the hard edges off the day and brings forth peace and contentment. I have always been one for quiet and peacefulness. In our home on a daily basis we are quiet. We work at or do our own things that we like. Hubby playing chess on the computer or working jigsaws, I adore reading as you know. So the house is quiet except maybe for some soft music like now.
Strange how everyone is different and have patterns in their lives that they are comfortable with but would be chaotic for me. I so dislike disorganization and loudness. What happens to me in those situations is that I become edgy and scattered in thought and just want to flee. My children knew when they were young when enough was enough when it came to racket. My patience would be spent and I would snap and they were sent to their rooms. Then all I would need is a half hour or so to recharge my batteries and how I did that was to just have my space without interruption and noise. So I suppose you could say I was having a time out. I am still that way nothing has changed. My hubby, family and very close friends know that to be true about me and they give me my time out when needed.
So today after hubby leaves I will listen to my Pandora radio station and have a several hour time out. I will so enjoy.
Remember to take time out for whatever it is that puts you at ease and peace with yourself and life.
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