Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Posted by PicasaAs much as I try not to be concerned about my granddaughter Megan I cannot help but worry. I know it does no good whatsoever. So I tell myself to quit and I do well for a while and then it becomes a nag in my mind again.
I wrote her a little message on FB a few moments ago, advising her to be wary and careful and pay attention to every weather report. She will do these things regardless but you know it just felt like something I wanted to reinforce. They are under tornado threat in her area until Friday sometime.

We had a wind and rain last night. Quite a little flurry for a while. It is cloudy now with a few sun breaks but it is still breezy. I just went out to the mail box and kept my eyes in a squint as the wind was whipping and my eyes are so itchy today, I was so hoping for it to be over.

Today I am putting my items together food wise to take to my brothers. He is supplying most of the ingredients but there are some seasoning etc I know he does not have on hand. I will start packing, I do not need much as it is only three nights after all and we are camping. Tomorrow I will grocery shop for hubby so he can cook some easy to fix things for himself.

So here we go with the larger font again, as usual I do not have a clue why this happens but I am not going to rewrite it, so bear with.

Thinking of Kansas this morning and my granddaughter Megan I was remembering a time my family and I were driving through southern Kansas on the way to visit my aunt in Florida. We were out on a lonely stretch of highway, my parents in the front seat and granny, little brother and myself in the back seat of our yellow and wood sided Ford station wagon.It was in the afternoon and all at once the sky got so dark and ominous. Then the wind started really whipping,the tumbleweeds were covering the highway and sticking in the grill of the car and blowing up over the windshield. My Dad could hardly see so he pulled over to the side of the road and took out the map. The nearest one horse town was still about ten miles away. So we started out again very slowly and my father carefully drove us to that little town. There we found a ramshackle motel sitting along the side of the highway, the only one. So he got us their biggest room, it had two beds and bathroom and small kitchenette which did us no good as we had nothing but sandwich makings and drinks. Regardless we could not drive as we could not see for the dust and tumbleweeds.
We settled in, in a worrisome manner. I could tell my Mom and granny were concerned  The wind would hit that little motel and rattle it good. A little later the light bulb hanging from the center of the room went out. I know my Dad was concerned about tornado's but the guy who rented us the room said he had not heard of one coming.(Well really what did they know in those days?) Anyhow there was nothing left to do with no electricity but go to bed and try to sleep. Mom,dad and little brother took one bed and granny and I were in the other. I do not think anyone slept much as the wind was wild and battered our little room all night.
We were happy in the morning to see the bright sun and all back to normal as we loaded up the station wagon and headed out for yet another 500 mile day of driving.

So now I will purge those thoughts of Kansas out of my mind and get on with my day.
I just saw the sun slide through the blinds. Maybe it is on it's way to getting better today.

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