Speaking of names I thought I would blog about names today.
My given name is Zora. For anyone knowing me before 1982 that was my name and what everyone called me.
After that point in time I made a lifestyle change and went into a 'new to me' life. At that point any new person I met I told them my name was Zo. The only person that ever called me Zo was my Mom. I always preferred it to Zora which always seemed a heavy name for a little gal to pack around.
So now it almost seems like I have two lives. One as Zora and one as Zo. All my relatives and old friends and acquaintances call me Zora. All newer friends, co-workers and acquaintances call me Zo. Except for the gal at the bank. Zora is the name on my checks so she always greets me, Hi Zora. I want to say call me Zo but I know the next time I go she will still say, Hi Zora as that is my name on my check. I have thought about changing it legally but something inside me feels it would dishonor my Mother. She named me after her sister and she adored her sister Zora. And really what difference would it make as there would be those still that would always call me Zora.
There are some folks who have made the switch. My brother always calls me Zo, and to my nieces I am auntie Zo.
So what is in a name? Why does one prefer one name over another. In my case it is the way it makes me feel. Zora for some reason gives me a burden to carry that is just how it is for me. Zo feels light and free.
I am pleased that my children both like their names. They have said they would never change them have never given it a thought. Of course Michael and Gina are not unusual names. Michael is still one of the most popular names of all time.
I have things I want to accomplish today. A long walk is in order and I really need to bake something. It has been a while since the house has been filled with the aroma of desert. Here are the choices I am considering. Lemon tea bread always so fresh and light, lemon-lime basil shortbread cookies a new recipe I have been wanting to try or my tried and true cocoa cake.
Decisions, decisions. What is Zo to do?
Yesterdays blue skies are gone. A gray has settled in above us and has cooled the air and is making all look dull. I wonder if it will shower? This has been the driest May on record here in Eugene to this point at least.
Whatever it is you find yourself doing enjoy your day. I am off to start mine with vigor!
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