You can tell by the size it was a big mouthful. Actually I cut mine in two last night and ate the other half for lunch today.
I have had a good and bad day today. The good part is I worked in the guest room this afternoon and accomplished much. The huge closet in there is clean........yes. I am ready to rearrange the room now and put on summer bedding for our guests.
The bad part of the day was wasted time on the computer this morning. Trying to build a website. I get so irritated when it seems I am doing everything requested and I need to keep repeating a step as I am not doing something right............grrrrr. So I plugged away at that project for almost two hours and accomplished nothing. Tomorrow is another day.
I did take an amazing walk early morning. It was cold the air chilled at it's edges. My face was washed bright from the brisk air. I seems strange now not to hear the rattle of bare branches but instead the whispering of leaves and opening buds. When I came into the house hubby said your cheeks are so pink it made me feel healthy and energized.
Tomorrow we are out and about may stop at a little fish place we both like for some cod fish and chips. It is to be warmer tomorrow and the weekend hot and summery.
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