Well another partly cloudy day here in Eugene, we also had a little down pour of showers. A squirrel in the tree above our deck was sitting eating a peanut with his tail up over the back of his head to keep dry. That is so funny how that tail comes up and covers them to keep them dry or in some cases camouflaged. He was very upset and just chattering noisily. There were several crows around and going for the peanuts next door also. Mr. squirrel was not pleased about that fact at all.
I think this year hubby and I may celebrate his birthday on the 4th of July instead of the 5th which is his birthday. Every year his birthday is somewhat of a leftover event it seems. I will take him to Mexican food and I will drive so he can have Margarita's and enjoy himself.
Our month all of a sudden has become jam-packed. I have been on the go and doing something every day it seems. Not that I mind I like to be busy but I need to be organized through it all. Today I made notations on the calendar in case something should slip my mind. Next will be a actual list.....really at this point in my life I can leave nothing to chance.
My hubby really made something yummy if you like hot and spicy. He made these when my daughter was here and just made another batch much improved.
He takes whole jalenpeno peppers makes a slit in them and cleans out the seeds and membranes. Next he throws them in a hot iron skillet to somewhat char them and settle them a bit so they are not quite so hot. Then he cools them and stuffs them with jack cheese slices, then wraps them in thin sliced bacon and secures them with a toothpick that has been soaked in water. Then he fry's them until the cheese is melted and the bacon is all crispy. My daughter said they were great. I tried one and immediately it burnt my mouth.......what a baby I am. So anyhow you may want to make these sometime for an appetizer if your guests like a bit heat.
I made us an amazing salad last night. Neither of us had a big appetite. So I made ranch dressing, I had no buttermilk so used half and half with a teaspoon of vinegar that works so well, instant buttermilk. I used romaine and iceberg lettuce, red onion, trader Joe's marinated artichoke hearts, black sliced olives, tomatoes and radish's. To the side to add at ones own whim I had crispy fried bacon bits and sliced hard boiled eggs. Now this was quite a yummy salad. I love a white dressing with this type of salad or I like my Mom's Russian dressing.
Earlier in the day I made yeast rolls. I know they are so fattening but so fun to make I raised them under my red and white checkered dish towel. It is so old fashioned somehow having that sit on your counter all day. I kept checking them, silly I know but I like to it gives me pleasure. So it was a perfect meal for two folks that were not really hungry.
Tonight nothing special is going on in our kitchen. We decided to work on using up items in the freezer. So I am making country fried steaks with mashed garlic potatoes and glazed carrots. There are still rolls left to add to the mix. And again Oregon berries with vanilla ice cream for desert. I will remember portion control for this meal.
I been trying all day to find little moments to read a chapter or two in my current book. No luck so far as there has been interruptions. So now my plan is to open a bottle of wine, pour myself a generous glass and sink into my faded red plaid chair and read for a hour or so. The simple pleasure of that little self indulgence makes me so happy :)
Whatever is our pleasure today do enjoy your day. We only have so many days in this lifetime to take advantage of.