Friday, June 8, 2012


Yes it is me and I feel like ranting right now. No photo no pleasantries just a nasty old rant.
I was listening to the local news as I was preparing dinner last night.  
In the past 11 days there has been two hit and runs here in Eugene and the people that were hit died. One was on a bicycle a 54 year old man with a family and the other was young male college student walking. Both were good souls on their journey of life and both lives were cut short because of some drunk driver or thoughtless person who did not even care to stop.  Most likely in both cases the drivers were drunk and never stopped as they knew they would face manslaughter charges. So you hit someone and run over them and then drive away and hide like the horrid coward you are???  Shame on you! How can you live with your self?  The young man that was hit was on his way to becoming a fireman. The photo of him in the paper shows a boy with a sweet big smile. What about his family? Can you imagine the hurt they are feeling right now. These two families lost a son, a father, a brother, a husband and so forth. 

Neither of the hit and run drivers have yet to be identified. Both left truck parts at the scene. A broken rear view mirror etc. Both rigs have front end damage. When they are found and they usually are their own families will suffer the pain knowing their loved one acted in such a horrendous manner. The families of these men will be shammed. 

It would be agonizing to me to know I took a life whether accidentally or not but to run away and not take responsibility I cannot even fathom that. How could you live with yourself?

I just had to vent. I just do not understand why a lot of folks now do not have any character, morals or values. It is very sad.
I will go now.

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