Today we have battering wind gusts though it is fairly mild and yes gray. I am hoping it will mellow out so I can get my walk in.
Yesterday we had many tiny birds converging on the deck railing to chatter. They flitted about for most of the afternoon socializing.
As I have mentioned before, we love Sunday's. I just now got dressed as we lallygagged away the morning. I love reading the paper and on Sunday's it is huge. So that takes over an hour there. It is not that I read every article nor do I even retain much that I read but it is a ritual.
We were cozy by the fire as I sipped my coffee and hubby drank his tea in the morning quiet.
My daughter is off on a trip to Boston next week. She will be gone for over a week. I certainly hope the weather will be agreeable. The east coast has had a very nasty winter. She is looking forward to this trip with her guy. He has a conference there so part of the trip will be work related. Gina has done a lot of traveling these past few years. Mostly in the USA from the west coast to the east coast, to the Midwest, to the southern states. She has experienced and seen a lot of new country. She was never much of a traveler when she was young so that has certainly changed.
I made the best meatballs last night. They were so tender and juicy and filled with flavor.
I used about a third of a pound of seven percent lean burger added an egg, two cloves of minced garlic, italian seasonings,black pepper and salt to taste. A good splash of Worcestershire, a squirt of ketchup, grated asiago cheese and two slices of tiny bread crumbles. Mixed and formed into small balls. I then browned them in a little canola oil to form a little crust on each one. Then I added them to my sauce and simmered them very slowly for about an hour or so. These were such yummy little balls with a wow factor from the asiago cheese. So last night we had a plate of spaghetti with meatballs and crusty garlic bread. Nothing unusual there but very satisfying on a windy black evening.
Now that I have taxes done and have all sent off to the accountant I need to clean and reset the office for 2011. I need to do some serious deep cleaning in our office storage closet. I am almost afraid to open that door at this point. As I have mentioned many times before I am not and I repeat NOT a office minded, paperwork person. So I plan on doing a little each day to make all user friendly in this office.
Well enough chatter for today. I am looking forward to a day of reading and pulling up some spiritual information that I am interested in on the Internet.
Have a beautiful Sunday wherever you are. I know I just need to look at those plum trees on my street and it makes my heart leap!
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