Monday, December 19, 2011


Posted by PicasaOh, Christmas Tree, oh Christmas tree.........
well our tree is quite amazing this year. I was actually the one who spotted it and knew with hubby's skills to trim it up it would be perfect. 
It took several hours on Saturday before we were done decorating it. We placed it in the corner of the living room and I have a perfect view of it from the kitchen while I cook :)

I was going to go shopping today to finish everything up but have decided to wait until tomorrow. I thought my husband would be starting a job today. However he just called from the job site and the other workers were not finished as promised. So now he will do that job after the first of the year. Oh well.....I just thought it would be nice to have the week to myself to get ready for the Christmas weekend.

I must say the fog enclosed days have gotten to me a bit. Everyday we wait for the fog to burn off and it has not. We may hold out more hope today as already it does seem a little brighter than usual.
When the fog is low you feel as if you are being pressed down literally. It is hard to keep yourself motivated when you cannot see the sun.
There is no way I could live in area's such as England for example with the constant gray skies. Show me some blue sky and sun and I will show you a happy woman!

I am sending out about six Christmas cards this year. All others will be via the e-mail. I feel sending cards through the regular mail is a thing of the past and it saddens me. To get a card in the mail with a thoughtful personal note and signed by the sender is a treasure. I keep the cards and make Christmas gift tags and book markers out of them. Everything changes that is for sure.

I just read in the paper recently that it is being considered to do away with cursive writing. What? Folks will not know how to sign their name other than to print. Reason being of course is the computer age, who needs to write a thing when you can type. Well what would happen  if that whole technical  system failed, never to return again for whatever reason? I just do not see where this all is going truthfully.  I suppose I am getting to old and set in my ways. My Grandmother used to say, she lived in the best times , well to me her life was so terribly difficult. I think I lived in the best times, maybe that is the way it is. I am sure my grand kids think I grew up in the olden days. I really knew my Grandmother. We were very close and shared much. I knew all about her life. I asked questions and listened to what she told me. I was interested. I looked forward to her visits. She loved having me come visit her as it was our special time without others involved. We also kept in touch by letter writing all through the years.  I will always be grateful for that relationship I had with her. When she passed I was a young Mother. She loved my two little ones and I was so happy that she had met them before she left us.
Her death hurt me deeply as she was the first person that I had lost that was so dear to me. I was heartbroken and mourned her for a long time. Now I know that is not good to do but at the time I just could not pull myself out of the sadness of it all as I missed her so. Now days I feel most grandchildren especially when they get older are not that interested in their grandparents  lives. It is sad as they could learn so much if they just took the time to break away from their electronic devices and have conversations with those they love.
So I do remember my Grandmother with much love and respect especially at Christmas time as she shared many a holiday with us in our home.

Well on those sweet memories I will close and get on with my daily chores and the last bit of decorating for the holidays.
Merry Christmas.

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