Friday, August 10, 2012

ANOTHER RANT!!!!!!!!!!!

No photo but I should take a photo actually so you can see what a mess the street is outside my living room windows and front door. I have to keep the shades down on the windows as cars are parked along our sidewalk and sometimes partially in our driveway!
The neighbors are having another one of their so called "Estate Sales".  Let me ask this, can you feasibly have an estate sale over and over again? There is just as much if not more junk now than when they had the first sale. So something is going on here. We are thinking they are buying others junk and then re-selling it. This is the second weekend in a row they have had a sale and the first one was last month. Is it legal to do this in a neighborhood every weekend? This neighborhood is not zoned for business.  The sales start early Friday morning and continues through Sunday evening. 
This is normally a very quiet street and area. We border the country, the streets are wide with very little traffic. That is why we like it here.
When these sales start the traffic is like a main street in downtown Eugene. Just constant throughout the day. 
What should we do? Nothing and just be invaded the rest of the summer season? Believe me I am not a trouble maker but should this be reported if it continues? I am not the only one living on this street that it is offending.
Where do these folks come from to buy this crap? Seems most of the Eugene and probably a lot of Springfield people have already been here. Did they find so much good stuff the first time they had to come back for more?
Believe me when I look out my door at what they have stacked on their tables it mostly consist of clothing, plastic items, toys, and just plain old junk that should be headed for the garbage can! Pickle jars please......those should go in recycle!  I do not see the allure.
So another day of sun that will not flood my home because I cannot open the shades. Another day without my front door opened to the screen door so I can get a nice breeze flowing through the house.
Darn......... I do feel better though I just had to vent. But enough already!

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