Monday, October 7, 2013


Yes it the most awesome day we have had for weeks. 
How do I describe this day?
A step onto the deck and there it awaits. Air so fresh you want to sip it and let it linger on your tongue. A sky so rich blue you want to jump into it and soar. Trees with leaves edged in yellow and red but green is still the order of the day.  A breeze that is so gentle you are barely aware of it yet the wind chimes quietly sing. I am in love with this day.

So we strive to get our days chores that we have allotted ourselves out of way so we can sit on our deck and enjoy all that God has given us today.
Before long we are on the deck it is barely after one. We plop into our favorite chairs and sit with our faces to the sun, leaning back to take in all the heat there is. After a while I am rolling up my crop pants up past my knees and unbuttoning my shirt. I am sweating and thinking of shade. We are both on the same page and head for the shady part of the deck laughing.
So we chat and I go fetch us glasses cold white wine tossing in some mixed frozen berries. Hubby's choice is pinot gris and mine is chardonnay. I grab a can of peanuts on the way back to the deck. We are loving this day.
The jays are having a screaming fit over something and a few minutes later a murder of crows comes circling over. The jays are going wild now, I know they have babies in a nearby tree. Those crows better not try to steal those young ones. Jays keep their young with them for a long time and as the babies grow larger there parents look the worse for wear so bedraggled. We have not seen the babies but have heard the whole scenario since spring. The crows leave and now there is a red tailed hawk circling high in the sky occasionally swooping down toward our back yard near the tree where the jays hang out. Thus the nest.
The hawk finally departs through the deep blue and all is quiet.
Who would ever think there would be so much excitement in a tiny back yard in the city? 
Add to this crazy squirrels running the fence rails as fast as their little legs can carry them and stuffed into their mouths peanuts courtesy of Dee next door. We enjoy their antics as they dive into my flower pots and herb barrel hiding their treasures.It seems a wild place our backyard! 

I will post this now as I will not be back in to add on to this post this afternoon. We are looking forward to grilling burgers late afternoon and enjoying the outdoors as late as possible. There will not be many more opportunities this year.

Post note. I did not post this yesterday when I wrote it. Today is Monday and cloudy.

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