Monday, March 10, 2014


Actually when this photo was taken I was taking a nap on the boat. I was tired so I waded to the boat for a snooze and my hubby took this photo from shore where he was gathered with family. I must say I still miss that boat. There are times I long to be out on the water just drifting along as we did so many times. But I am not as young as I was then and it is a lot of work maneuvering a boat that size to the docks, jumping out securing it etc and getting it on the boat trailer. And a lot of effort getting it filled with provisions, clothing etc for your outing. Seems all I did was crawl around that boat, up the ladder, down the ladder up on the front bow, down into the cuddy. But it did keep me in shape I suppose. Anyhow it was one the best times our lives living on that boat for days at a time. I have always thought it strange in a way I love boating the way I do as I am not a great swimmer by any means. But to be on a boat that size I always felt secure and loved cooking in the galley and dining either in the cuddy or on the top deck. Sleeping in our comfy bed below deck was heaven with the water gently slapping the bottom of the boat and the easy rocking lulling you to sleep. And in the daytime just being afloat on the lake under the blue sky with the hot yellow sun bearing down on you. When we got to hot we sat on the swim transom and sloshed ourselves with lake water from a bucket, or climbed down the ladder for a short swim to cool off. Evening time would find us back on the swim platform taking a bath with the bucket of water and peppermint biodegradable soap. Ah the good life. I was meant for it...laugh. It was my favorite RV ever and I am so happy for those memories.

Tonight in my kitchen it is seared salmon fillets with asparagus. I am so happy the asparagus is here once more. A definite reminder spring is here.

Well the washer is sloshing doing it's thing and I need to put some potatoes in the oven. I am going to make a potato salad this afternoon. That just sounds good to me. I like to bake the potatoes rather than boil them it gives them a nicer texture for the salad.

It is a pretty day here today. The sun is basking in a field of blue with little cotton ball clouds blowing around. I love it.

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