Monday, February 24, 2014


Here I am in back country with my honey in the 80's. We did this often almost every weekend in the summertime in central Oregon. I loved it, though nervous in the beginning as I was not accustomed to packing all my gear somewhere on my back, then setting up a tent and sleeping in the wilds. But it was a new adventure and my then boyfriend, my now husband was obsessed with being out in nature and backpacking. So what to do? Go or stay home. Of course I love good food and that is a bit of a sticky wicket when backpacking. Seems we mostly dined on ramen noodles, dried soups, hard boiled eggs, crackers with peanut butter, jerky, trail mix and the likes. We always had tea our go-to hot drink but we also took a bottle of wine and a few beers along, not the lightest items in the pack but a must! Oh and a bit of brandy for evening.
As I was looking through albums this afternoon for photo's to scan hubby and I had a walk down memory lane. It was fun recalling this trip and that. We miss the mountains and backpacking but are so happy we had those experiences.

My son is having trouble finding a suitable rental. As soon as he finds something he is interested in it is rented in within hours. It is very frustrating for him to say the least. He needs to be out of his home the end of March. When he rented that house five-six years ago, his landlord asked him how long he was thinking of staying. Mike said, probably for years and years, the house suits his needs. But when one rents you are at the mercy of the owner. They have decided to put the house on the market as they need the money for their retirement. I have been looking online also hoping to be of help knowing what he needs and what price range,with a large outdoor dog etc. It is hard. So mainly I just try to keep him encouraged. A mom's job...right?

Well my daughter has returned from Hawaii as a married woman. Yes Gina and Doug got hitched as they say with their bare toes in the pacific ocean in Hawaii. Family has known about this event but a lot of friends have not. But I saw she posted on FB they have returned from their trip and honeymoon. I am so happy for them both. This will be a good union. They have known each other since they were young teens. They have much in common including birthday's and now the wedding day too on their birthday's on Valentines day. So Gina said her name will now be. Gina Jarvi Roan. I have a new son-in-law Douglas. He is a dear and treats my daughter amazing. So what is not to love?

So I start the tax process today. I will sequester myself in the office for approximately three days, two and a half if all goes well. Of course I do not DO our taxes but by the time I get all together for our CPA I may as well have done them. As we are a small business it is time intensive. So I think I may have been a tad grumpy yesterday knowing this is my fate for a few days.

I am off now to start on the file cabinet this if the first process the adding up of our business expenses. Of course I have them filed in their separate categories but they still need to be sorted into months and added and clipped together and entered into the tax booklet. There are many different categories so it is no quick fix.
Here I go........sad face.

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