Sunday, September 22, 2013


Here we go again.
Thoughts. You think it, you say it, you do it. That is the way it is. That works very well with positive thoughts , you know things you want to achieve, happiness, saying nice things to others.  But we must be very careful of the negative.  If a thought starts to form that is not of a good nature let it go right then. Because if you say it to yourself you will go on to say it to someone else and the deed will be done whether good or bad. This is true. So many times I have had to stop a thought because I say to myself I cannot let this build or I will say it and it will not help the situation or the problem or whatever the scenario.
So as I was preparing dinner this evening I was thinking about the thoughts I have that go no where as I keep them from developing. And sometimes it is a good thing. 

Where does a thought begin?
The conscious mind? Our super conscious mind? Our soul?  Where does that first thought originate? Well of course from our mind but where does the mind get the input? Interesting huh? Questions, questions and no answers.

So this is my post for the day. Enjoy it or not.
See you tomorrow.

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